Strawberry Shrub with Vanilla & Wild Herbs
·under 30 minutes
550 ml
300 ml
balsamic apple vinegar
100 g
cherry tomatoes
1 pcs.
wild herbs as needed
300 g
cane sugar
0.25 pcs.
vanilla bean(s)
200 g
strawberry (strawberries)
Steps to prepare
To make the strawberry and tomato syrup, place the strawberries in a large container (preferably glass) with the cherry tomatoes, sugar and scraped vanilla bean. Mash with a wooden spoon or a pestle.
Cover the whole thing with a cloth so that air can get to it, but nothing can get into the jar. Leave on the windowsill or in a warm place for 8-10 hours. Then heat the vinegar to 90°C, so turn it off just before it starts to boil.
Empty over the fruit mixture and cover again.
Let stand at room temperature for 2 days. Then strain and use as a syrup.
Pour water, 150 ml Strawberry Paradeis Syrup and some wild herbs into the iSi Twist'n Sparkle and carbonate with an iSi Soda Charger. Wait 2 minutes before opening.
iSi Tip
For the extra fizz, chill the drink well and then add carbonation.