Vanilla Sauce
·under 30 minutes
popular for children
Reduced costs
Increased whipped volume
Reduced calories due to increased whipped volume.
4 pcs.
egg yolks
0.5 pcs.
Vanilleschote - Mark
50 g
QimiQ natural
1 pinch
Magic Texturizer
300 ml
100 ml
Heavy Cream min. 32% fat
Steps to prepare
Bring the milk, cream, vanilla sugar and vanilla pulp to a boil in a saucepan. Blend in the Magic Texturizer with a hand blender.
Then pour the bound liquid into the yolks, blending constantly until you get a homogeneous mass. By mixing the mixture, the yolks will not stiffen for you.
Then pour directly through iSi Funnel & Strainer into a 0.5 L iSi Gourmet Whip. 1 Screw on iSi Professional Charger and shake vigorously 15 times.
Alternative preparation:
Finely puree all ingredients with a hand blender or in a stand mixer and then pour directly through iSi Funnel & Strainer into a 0.5 L iSi Gourmet Whip. Screw on 1 iSi Professional Charger and shake vigorously 15 times. Then heat the iSi Gourmet Whip in a water bath with heat protection at max. 70 °C for at least 45 minutes.
popular for children
Reduced costs
Increased whipped volume
Reduced calories due to increased whipped volume.
iSi Tip
The custard can be used hot or cold. If the iSi Gourmet Whip is then cooled well, the sauce becomes very stable and very stable and can be used perfectly as a cold custard.
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